AICTE Feedback Facility
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Admission started for the academic year 2024-2025



Our B-Tech final-year students take classes for first-year polytechnic students, over and above the classes taken by their faculty. By this practice, we aim to improve their knowledge, communication skills, and self-respect. IIET provides remuneration per hour to motivate our students. By earning this way they will get self-satisfaction and it also helps to motivate diploma students to take B-Tech courses. Earn while you learn is a gesture to allow college-going students to become self-dependent. This is a helpful concept to the many of students whose parents are not able to pay the fees of students because of their low income.


Earn while you learn not only fulfills the requirements but also gives a lot of confidence to the students and makes them efficient. While working students may get the experience of work that will create a lot of opportunities for them in the future. When someone works he will be disciplined and dedicated. Working develops students’ confidence and practical knowledge. Nowadays industry requires skilled employees who have practical knowledge as they can implement their knowledge to solve problems. Earning while learning gives exposure to the students to develop their capabilities and skills that will be useful once they join the industry. The other difficulty that we faced was the adjustment of working hours. So finally, we have decided to arrange one hour per week without affecting both the diploma and B-Tech programs. It is always said that you learn in depth before standing in front of the audience. So, our students don’t study only for the sake of examinations.


Our integrated campus enables the implementation of this practice very easily. We have two polytechnic colleges under our management. We can implement practice at both polytechnics at Cherukunnam and Nellikuzhy. B.Tech students have been assigned subjects as per their academic performances. Each department allowed one hour to accommodate the timetable for every class. Students are offered a remuneration of 150 Rs per hour. A college jeep is arranged for the B.Tech students traveling to the Cherukunnam Polytechnic for the class. The classes are being monitored by both the faculty members and suggestions are given to them for improvement. B.Tech students typically teach subjects or topics that align with their academic disciplines. This specialization ensures that they can offer in-depth knowledge and practical insights to polytechnic students. There is often a structured curriculum or syllabus that both B.Tech and polytechnic students follow. B.Tech students teach specific modules or units within this curriculum, ensuring that they cover relevant material. B.Tech students often adopt interactive teaching methods. This may include lectures, practical demonstrations, group discussions, and hands-on activities. The aim is to make learning engaging and practical. The age and educational proximity of B.Tech students to polytechnic students creates a comfortable peer learning environment. These fosters open communication and allow polytechnic students to ask questions without hesitation. B.Tech students emphasize the real-world application of concepts. They share their own experiences, industry insights, and case studies to demonstrate how theoretical knowledge can be used in practical scenarios. B.Tech students often provide mentorship and guidance to polytechnic students. They may offer advice on career paths, higher education options, and overall personal development. Classes conducted by B.Tech students are often scheduled to accommodate both their coursework and the availability of polytechnic students. This flexibility ensures that learning remains accessible. In addition to helping polytechnic students, B.Tech students gain teaching experience, reinforce their understanding of the subject matter, and develop essential soft skills like communication and leadership. Polytechnic students benefit from exposure to higher-level concepts, a supportive learning environment, and the opportunity to interact with peers who have successfully progressed to B.Tech programs. In conclusion, the practice of B.Tech students taking classes in polytechnic institutions is a collaborative approach that enriches the educational experience for both parties. It promotes knowledge sharing, practical learning, and peer mentorship while bridging the gap between diploma-level and higher technical education. This practice embodies the spirit of cooperation and community within the educational system.


This practice has benefitted many of our students to earn money without going for a part-time job. It helps students to improve their attendance percentage along with their academic performance. We have circulated feedback forms to ensure their valuable opinion. We got a positive response from all the students. Through this practice, they have improved their communication skills. It helps the students to get a good placement at the time of placement drive. This practice helps some students to realize their passion for teaching. Students study the subject with a greater depth that helps them to understand the fundamental concepts more clearly, it also helps them for self-learning and collaborative learning. Success can also be measured by assessing the depth of understanding of the subject matter. If polytechnic students demonstrate a stronger grasp of concepts and an ability to apply knowledge in real-world scenarios, this indicates a positive outcome. Another measure of success is an increase in the number of polytechnic students who decide to pursue higher education, including B.Tech programs, as a result of their exposure to B.Tech students as mentors and educators. In summary, the success of B.Tech students teaching polytechnic students can be evidenced through a combination of academic performance, student feedback, career outcomes, and the overall impact on the educational community.


We have faced some difficulties in implementing this practice. In the beginning, some students haven’t shown interest in this practice. Not all B.Tech students may be equally motivated to teach, and some may view it as an additional burden rather than an opportunity for personal growth and contribution. Later they joined this practice by seeing the earnings of the other students. We need to give reference books to students but it wasn’t enough in our library. So we need to buy some more books for that collection. We have distributed those books to enable the students in their preparation for their class. In the beginning, they faced some mockery behavior from the polytechnic students and later they achieved their respect. Additionally, continuous evaluation and feedback mechanisms can help improve the effectiveness of this teaching approach.



Oral hygiene is important to maintain good health. It could also help your appearance and quality of life. In this practice dental checkups in combination with repeated holding of health educational seminars improved employee’s dental health behavior and had a favorable dental care impact. This practice can also be useful to promote oral health and prevent oral disease wherever possible. Dental treatment also helps to control pain and anxiety among people. Healthy gums are essential for overall oral health. Objectives include preventing gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis through regular brushing, flossing, and professional dental cleanings.


As per the decision taken by our institution, it is compulsory to take oral checkups for all staff and students once in 6 months. In the beginning, it was not possible to give checkups to all students because of their strengths. Later we can implement this practice among all the students. It was easy for us to give free checkups because we have a sister institution known as Indira Gandhi College of Dental Sciences. The dental college is located just opposite our college hence it reduces the time for traveling. Most people pay very little attention to their dental health due to lack of time and lack of funds It is known that for all kinds of diseases, the root cause is the mouth and the lack of oral hygiene. Good oral hygiene is essential for overall health and well-being, as poor oral health can lead to various systemic health problems. It’s important to establish a consistent oral care routine and seek professional dental advice when needed.


The practice includes giving slots for dental treatment to cover all the students and staff members once in 6 months. A very congenial atmosphere was created with the help of the dental college students to clear any doubts about oral hygiene.
They conduct many seminars including professional doctors to rectify our doubts. A lot of motivational talks have been given by the doctors and the medical students to include more members in this practice. They provide free checkups and mouth cleaning and for other treatments, they may charge a small amount of money. Once a week we send 10 students along with a teacher to the dental college. They have provided an exclusive facility for our students and staff. This practice improves the oral health of all our students and staff members.
During the academic year 2018-2019 when there was the maximum number of students, with strength being 300 and faculty strength being 82 the arrangements were made such that around 15 students and 3 faculty members were given a slot every week such that all the faculty members and students could have undergone the dental checkup and cleaning every 6 months. A Record of dental checkups was maintained by both the institutions and regular follow-ups have been conducted to ensure that every member of the faculty and students has undergone the checkups regularly Any serious health issues have been discussed with the individuals and suggestions have been offered to them. A detailed health report card is also maintained for every individual which the students and faculty members make use of even after they leave the institution. In some cases, these regular checkups have helped to identify their disease well in advance, and treatments given have saved them from major ailments. The seriousness of the practice was very well understood by all which enabled them to lead a quality life.
The faculty members of the dental college also organized several workshops and seminars on the various aspects of dental health care which not only exposed our students and faculty to the dire need for dental hygiene but also to the hazardous effects of not maintaining good dental health condition the entire practice is a win-win situation for both the engineering college and the dental college wherever the members of the engineering college benefitted in terms of saving time and money whereas the dental college members had a variety of patients of all age groups which added to their social responsibility in the health side domain.


The questionnaire survey indicated that brushing twice a day has increased. The percentage of employees who visited the dental college increased after the implementation of the dental checkup when compared with the corresponding data before. It suggests that the increase was an effect of the implementation of the dental checkup in the occupational setting. We are now easily able to implement lifestyle-related disease educational seminars, including dental health education. This practice has proved that medical students are also very effective in improving employees’ dental health problems. Overall members were satisfied with the dental services they received and were not anxious about their dental health. Also, they had good knowledge about how to brush, how to rinse, and when to take additional care All the members of IIET saved a lot of time and money but for this practice, all of them may have to spend long waiting hours at the dental clinics and also spend a huge sum for their oral hygiene.


At first, most of the students showed reluctance to attend the practice but later through the seminars and classes, they understood the importance of oral hygiene the percentage of members increased. Also at first dental doctors were not willing to do checkups for free of cost but through the involvement of our management they are ready to do basic checkups and mouth cleanings for free of cost but they charge some money for higher treatments. As per scientific studies, a person should change their brush at least within 6 months and most people tend to use a brush for 1 year this may affect the aim of our practice so we are planning to give brushes, tongue cleaners, dental floss, etc. of free of cost.